Unit 1 Excel Formulas

Arithmetic operations are basic math actions we use to work with numbers. There are four main ones: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. We use symbols like "+", "-", "*", and "รท" to represent these operations in Microsoft Excel when using formulas.

Excel formulas are basically shortcuts that help Excel do math for you. You start a formula with an equal sign (=), and then you tell Excel what you want it to do. This can be simple stuff like adding numbers together or more complicated things like finding averages or looking up information. You can use formulas to make calculations based on numbers in your spreadsheet or even on other formulas. They're like magic tricks that make Excel do all the hard work for you!

Here are some examples of Excel Formulas:

Addition: To add two numbers, you can use the "+" operator. For example, if you want to add 5 and 10 together, you would write "=5+10" in a cell, and Excel would display 15 as the result.

Subtraction: To subtract one number from another, use the "-" operator. For instance, if you want to subtract 3 from 8, you would write "=8-3", and Excel would display 5.

Multiplication: To multiply numbers, use the "" operator. For example, if you want to multiply 4 by 6, you would write "=46", and Excel would show 24 as the result.

Division: For division, use the "/" operator. If you want to divide 20 by 5, you would write "=20/5", and Excel would display 4.

Average: To find the average of a set of numbers, you can use the AVERAGE function. For example, if you have numbers in cells A1 to A5, you would write "=AVERAGE(A1:A5)", and Excel would calculate the average of those numbers.

Sum: To add up a range of numbers, you can use the SUM function. For instance, if you have numbers in cells B1 to B10, you would write "=SUM(B1:B10)", and Excel would add them all together.

Percentage: To calculate a percentage, you can multiply a number by a percentage value. For example, if you want to find 20% of 50, you would write "=50*20%" in a cell, and Excel would display 10.


You are an administrative assistant at a small consulting firm. Part of your responsibilities includes managing the company's expenses and preparing monthly financial reports for the management team. Today, you received invoices from various vendors for the total expenses for the month of (use current month).

Vendor 1 - $12,000

Vendor 2 - $19,000

Vendor 3 - $4,000

Vendor 4 - $18,000

Vendor 5 - $6,000

1.Using a Spreadsheet to summarize the data to present to management, as well as using all necessary formulas, calculate the average expense per transaction.

2. Calculate the percentage increase in expenses compared to the previous month to provide insights for budget planning. The total expenses for the previous month was $50,000.

Submit your answer to actira.tt@gmail.com