Project Management: Control and Monitoring

Once the work, in accordance to the project’s plan, is being executed by the team; the project manager must become diligent regarding the tracking and monitoring of said work. This is done on order to:

· Guarantee that the team is working on the proper activities

· Ensure that everyone working on the project is on schedule

· Make sure that the team is on or under budget regarding the project

· Guarantee an acceptable quality of work

· If deviations are identified within the plan, project control activities are able to be performed

The monitoring aspect of project management is to be done parallel to the other processes of the project. This is an addition onto the current responsibilities of a project manager, but they are as necessary as all of the others. Most of the activities of the project occur during the phase of execution, therefore the vast majority of the aspect of monitoring should take place during that time as well.

The following needs to be monitored, specifically:

· The progress of the schedule:

o What is the status of the scheduled activities for the day/week/month

o How is everything progressing?

§ Determine is the schedule needs to be adjusted or if a member of the team is the cause of the delay and needs to be replaced.

o Are there any corrections to the course needed?

§ If so, what changes need to be made and how will they affect the schedule?

· Budget

o How much has been spent thus far in the process?

§ Is this amount reasonable? If not, why has it been spent and by who?

o How much money remains?

§ Is the remaining amount enough to properly complete the project?

§ Is there a potential for a surplus?

§ Will any aspects of the project need to be cut?

§ Will the team have to be reduced in order for the project to be completed at budget?

o Is there a revised budget estimate for the project’s completion?

§ Is the revision truly necessary and will it allow for the delivery of an exceptional project?

· Scope

o Is the team working out of scope or in-scope?

§ If they are working out of scope, why?

o Have there been any changes incurred that would alter the scope?

§ Why changes were made and are they a benefit or a hindrance?

§ Where changes made due to human error or incommpetince?

Key Performance Indicators will also need to be monitored though the duration of the project. The above listed are the minimum that will need attention during the monitoring process. Keeping that in mind, it is imperative that you determine, as the project manager, the frequency of the monitoring that will occur. A schedule needs to be derived and strictly adhered to. Should you deter from that schedule or any aspect of the monitoring it can become very easy to get off track and even more difficult to get back on track. This will result in aspects of the project becoming overlooked or left undone. This will not only be a detriment to the project, but you standing and position as a project manager moving forward.

Control the Project

The next critical step regarding project management, controlling the project is essential especially as it pertains to the effective delivery of a timely and exceptional project. Having control of the project refers to actions that are taken to ensure that it progresses in accordance to the actions and plan requirements.

A prime example is: should you find that the schedule for the project begins to slip behind, as the project manager, you may decide on the application of a technique of schedule compression. This simply refers to methods used in order to decrease a schedule. This may be inclusive of additional resources or moving it to one that is parallel to your project.

Controlling a project can becoming extremely challenging and is often the most difficult component of a project manager’s job description. It lessens in difficult if you do not allow the project to spiral out of your control. This can be done by remaining atop all aspects of the project and implementing solutions as swiftly as they occur. Proper monitoring proves to be the best asset regarding this aspect.

It is inevitable for there to be changes to the original plan that has been created for a project. Going into a project, it is extremely important for a project manager to be flexible as well as a quick thinking, plausible problem solver. An important aspect of

the job description is the ability to quickly identify needed and unexpected changes from a project’s originating scope; this is most commonly referred to as change control. Managing the change that occurs can be a quite daunting task and if left unchecked or without proper and timely remedy, can result in projects that become derailed and exuberant in cost.


It is important to remember throughout the process that as the project manager, you are in charge. The critical and pivotal decisions must be made by you. It is your express responsibility to ensure the delivery of an exceptional project, minus excuses or astronomical delays. In order to do this, you cannot be afraid to step up and speak out. The members of your team are looking to you for guidance and direction just as students and teachers look to the principal of a school.

It is the duty of the project manager to lead and manage the team and all of the aspects that are intertwined with them. Where you must add or subtract members of the team, redirect the direction of a scope or present a new budget; it is not to be handled with kid gloves. The job of a project manager is not to hold hands, babysit or be riddled with fear. You must take the helm no differently than the president, etc. of the company that you are employed by.

Remaining attached to a carefully determined schedule coupled with diligent monitoring, keeping control of the project will not seem like an unattainable task. The rigidness of the regiment will ensure that you will be an effective and sought after project manager for years to come.
